thanks.|||As a Ordained Minister i am here to let you know about A True Painless Method of Suicide (Easiest and Simplest Painless Suicide Method)-最簡單﹐最容易﹐無痛的自殺方法
How to Commit Suicide (A Painless Suicide)
Are you looking for a painless method to end your life; a quick way to commit suicide; and/or a clean way to die? If so, you have come to the right place!
1) Methods like slitting wrists, cutting throat, poisons, suffocation, jumping off a cliff or tall building are not painless methods of suicide. Not even inhaling carbon monoxide. Why?
Because the real pain comes after death, being burnt eternally in hell. The Bible teaches that all nonbelievers are destined for hell. Most people misunderstood that once a person dies, that's the end of life. This is not true. All non-believers will be resurrected in the last days (Dan 12:2, Acts 24:15, John 5:28, 29) and punished by burning in hell eternally (Matthew 25:46). A true believer does not commit suicide for humans were made in God's image, thus God disapproves suicide
2) True Painless Death- Would it be nice to put your life behind you, and start all over again? Would it be nice to start with a clean slate?
When we put our faith in God, and accept Christ as our savior (Acts 4:12), we become a new person ( 2 Corin 5:17, Roman 6:4-5). All your sins and transgressions are forgiven. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son (to die for our sins), that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life (John 3:16).
3) How to Be Born Again and be a New Person-
The Bible teaches that 'if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from death, you will be saved (Romans 10:9) that whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame (Romans 10:11).
To a non-Christian, it may seem that Christianity is condemning him or her, by saying that the only way to be saved is to embrace Jesus Christ (Acts 4:12). However, before you come to this conclusion, please realize what Christ had done for you. He died for your sins as well as mine through a torturous death so that we can be saved. Christianity is not a religion, but a relationship with God. The following are a few facts about Christianity
1) It is the only 'religion' that God comes to you (Christ came and died for our sins), instead you trying to reach God by being good enough
2) It is the only 'religion' that you are accepted not because of how good you are, but what Christ had done on the cross. All you have to do is to repent from your sins and accept Him
3) It is the only fair 'religion' that both the love and judgment of God are served, with Christ dying for our sins! (sins have to be punished - Judgment, but the punishment was bore by Christ instead of us - Love)
If you have decided to accept Christ, would you let us know so that we can pray for you?
Important: People who are suicidal may have serious depression and / or chemical imbalance that need immediate professional attention. Please contact your physician as well as other professionals listed below immediately.
American Academy of Pediatrics
141 Northwest Point Boulevard
P.O. Box 927
Elk Grove Village, Illinois 60007
American Association of Suicidology
2459 South Ash Street
Denver, Colorado 80222
National Committee of Youth Suicide Prevention
666 Fifth Avenue, 13th Floor
New York, New York 10103
(212) 957-9292
National Depressive and Manic Depressive Association
P.O. Box 753
Northbrook, Illinois 60062
National Suicide Hotline
1-800-784-2433|||The single least relevant best answer that I have ever seen.
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|||Seriously, how much of a lowlife do you have to be to preach on the internet? I see people like you, who are disgracing the lord by trying to spread religion to useless and unwanted people. U really piss me off.
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|||**** it end it. LIfe sucks. I love these bible thumpers sitting around talking about the Bible and Jesus. Well **** it. Its 3 am and I am NOT getting laid yet again. Love to know where Jesus is now? Bible thumpers never have an answer on how to be a success with women or money.
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|||Painless death!!! I have 2 suggestions....
1. Force yourself to be happy by doing good to others just like Mother Terresa. she died with a smile on her face.
2/ Surrender yourself to Christ, so when u die you'll be in paradise and there is no pain there.
Remember u %26amp; I will die sooner or later.
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|||shooting yourself in the head or heart would be pretty fast and painless, wouldnt it?
if i could get my hands on a gun, thats what i would do to myself.
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|||There are no such things as useless and unwanted people Leslye, did the Lord not tell us not to judge. Suicide is a serious topic and if someone is thinking of taking there own life it must be taken seriously, suzanne is only doing what she see's as right. What makes you so sure you are any better?
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|||according to scripture, hell only occurs once, when all the wicked and righteous are risen from the grave, the righteous made perfect,christ then sends from heaven fire and burns all the wicked including satan and his followers, death is merely sleep according to jesus from scripture.
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|||U all need a reality check. Life is not all sunshine and roses. Trying to scare someone who is suicidal by telling them about hellfire and brimstone is nonsense. You haven't walked in their shoes, so save your holy roller crap for urself and ur BS fairytale life. Stop pushing ur religion on people
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|||Also, telling someone to "talk to Jesus and repent" is not only ridiculous, it's absurd. Have you ever "spoken" to Jesus? Try it sometime. I doubt you'll get a response! This person needs REAL PSYCHIATRIC help. Not an imaginary convo w/God.
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|||Wow I agree 100% on everthing you said..Its the people like you and me that need to stand up in this world and tell the lost and deing world that God IS real and He made the earth and came to die for the world so that we can live with Him eternaly if we except the FREE gift..simple as that! :)
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|||Okay, crazy Jesus freak. You are forcing religion which i don't feel is right. Would Jesus want you to force what you believe on to people? Because i have a feeling not. I am not trying to bash your beliefs you may believe whatever you want to but don't make it everything. Coexist.
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|||God sent you to hell for suicide, that would be idiotic. Bi-polar, depression, etc. Are causes of suicidal tendencies. Not everyone is in their right mind. They need medication, not Old-Fashioned-Christian-Guilt-… also being extremely judgmental, which I'm pretty sure is AGAINST the bible
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|||What that so called "ordained" minister wrote was false and god defaming. Sir or Miss whoever you are, obviously you don't know the definition of the word hell. It is Greek "hades, and Hebrew "Sheol". These both convey the idea of the common grave of mankind.
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|||You quoted the scripture of how god loved the world so much. Would a god of love allow people to burn and suffer forever. When the Isreallites made their children "pass through the fire" god said it was something that "didn't come up into his heart".
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|||Jesus was there for the oppressed and lowly. He would never condemn them. Jesus told the scribes and Pharisees they shut up the kingdom of heavens before men. That is just what you do when you turn people away from god, with your pharasaical and disgusting garbage falsehoods.
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|||Lets go a little further. Lazarus died and was then resurected by jesus. Did he speak of heaven or hell? No! If it were relevant, it would have been recorded in the bible for us. Jesus would have spoken of it in his 3 day stint. Ezekiel 18:4. The soul that is sinning it itself will die.
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|||No mention of a body that floats on afterward or is punished or raised up to heaven. In fact Eccl 9: 5, 10. "The dead are concious of nothing at all, the rememberance of them has been forgotten." Except in gods memory which brings us to your quote of John 5:28, 29.
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|||I am sorry. but the bible contradicts itself. It makes up its own way of life to prove another thing that makes no sense whatsoever. The whole concept of a omnipotent being who loves you but puts you in pain and sorrow to test you is a contradiction in itself.
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|||Also, anytime anybody asks how could God love us if he allows this the answer is that He works in mysterious ways. I have never heard of a more serious brainwashing besides the Manchurian candidate.
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|||I know this is a really old post but I just want to point out one thing. Any real christian knows that Hell isn't fire + brimstone. It is described as such but a real understanding of God tells us that Hell is simply the absence of God. You aren't sent there; you choose to go - running from God.
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|||lol... I find the concept of ''going to hell'' or ''going to heaven'' based on one's so-called faith in a person that was born a micro bleep on one insignificant patch on one insignificant planet of the entirety of creation. So you sophomoric reasoning is what??? ego...and power..
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|||**** you! You Jesus-Freaks think that doing anything but your own beliefs will send you to hell. If only people like you knew that when judgement day comes, you're gonna have the tough questions to answer! Do you know that you might turn some people away from God by ths whole hell and damnation rant
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|||Go **** yourself not everybody believes the way you do
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|||Suzanne C you are full of **** aren't you.
Why the **** would someone who wants to KILL themself ******* CARE about burning in hell?
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|||Suzanne C you are full of **** aren't you.
Why the **** would someone who wants to KILL themself ******* CARE about burning in hell?
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|||Your response, although good in your intentions, was not helpful to this poor guy. Regardless of your religious beliefs, this person has said tat he is doing research for an essay, because we do not truly know what issue this person has, it would rude and misguided for us to believe he is suicidal.
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|||Christianity is Judaism plus "hell." Jews don't believe in hell. I don't believe in hell. So you now have the most irrelevant answer EVER.
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|||Sorry to burst your little bubble of faith But religion is just a way for ppl to escape reality. And it WILL NOT SAVE SOMEONE FROM KILLING THEMSELVES.Take it from me, Suzanne C, you idiot.Ppl that come to the internet to find answers, and to one as difficult as this, arent looking for religious BS
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|||Where in the bible does it say suicide = hell?? Tell me! In fact, during times that bible was written, suicide was part of culture.
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|||I'm an atheist. I do not believe in Hell, therefore for a person to say that if somebody commits suicide, then they will burn in hell is an uneducated statement. Nobody knows what WILL happen. It is ignorant to suggest that anybody actually knows. This comment shows no respect for others beliefs.
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|||Instead of just getting rid of our sins by some cosmic display of His omnipotence, He enters Mary's uterus so that he can go through a whole life cycle of some 34 years, raises a ruckus in the temples to the point that they execute him, and went through all that pain to save us from our sins? BS.
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|||XD LMAO!!!! i couldnt even get past the first part XDDDD "Methods like slitting wrists, cutting throat, poisons, suffocation, jumping off a cliff are nothing compared to BURNING IN ETERNAL HELLLLLL!!!" XDDD LMAO all i have to say to religious ***** is GET THE **** OVER YOURSELF. XDDDDDDD lmao
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|||BTW so you're saying god disproves killing yourself because you look like him... wow... he must be one CONCEITED ****! XDDD
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|||insulin can help you transcend with no pain as well as helium I also will be transcending on my birthday just make sure you don't do this because you are unhappy because you will get caught in a loop..
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|||Lol google it
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|||if we're happy with the life we live WHY do you have to shove your angry book down our throats? i'm athiest and happy. WHY do YOU PEOPLE have a problem with that? do you think forcing me to convert is gonna get you extra points with the floating guy in the sky? LEAVE PEOPLE ALONE!!!
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|||ok, that was ****** bull ****. i get that's what you believe in, but ****** trying to scare people out of suicide does nothing but make said individual even MORE disapointed in man kind. lord, i was raised catholic, but now im going to hell for being a pagan??? **** this ****.
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|||EVERYONE!!!!!! JUST DO COCAINE IF YOU ARE SUICIDAL.. You will be cured in less than 5 minutes!! The medications your doc may prescribe blow compared to BLOW. Coke is the #1 cure for depression. It is your new hope. It is the best. Try it out.
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|||All you people above are insane.
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|||stupid... seriuosely i hear all about god all the time but bad things also happen to good people... i geuss im going to hell when im only 12, but innocent children every where get raped and murdered where is god then. he lets poor babies and children die in harsh ways.
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|||i cant say i have a horrible life but i dont want it other people suffer and i hate that i dont want that but o well.
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|||I was interested in what you had to say until you went on to saying all non believers will be in hell for eternity... There are many other beliefs in this world and if God created everyone then I doubt he would make us all to have different beliefs and then choose only one belief as the rightful one
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|||I think the answer you are looking for would be best looked up online without starting something nasty here. Google it.;q=pai…|||what kind of sick teacher give his kids an essay on quick and painless ways to commit suicide?
sweetie we all know that theres no essay and i really doubt that anyone on here is going to give you that kind of advice. as i dont know your situation i probably cant say much that would help. but please dont kill yourself. life is worth living, whether you realize it or not.
please talk to someone. your parents, a friend, a counselor, anybody. you could even call a hot line or talk to me if you want!
just hold on, your loved :)|||Pills aren't painless no matter what anyone says.
I took 96 aspirin and the doctor told me that it would have taken two more days of excruciating pain to actually rid myself than the three hours I sat through.
Afterwards they pumped my stomach and I could only drink LiquidCharcoal.
Drinking the LiquidCharcoa was the worst part.
Hanging yourself isn't as painless as you think it would be.
You'd have to hang a loose noose around your neck and jump from a very high distance to break your neck.
And even then there is no garuntee that it will kill you immediately.
Just kicking over the stool leaves you to suffocate and creates a nasty scratch if someone cuts you down in time, and trust me there will be time.
Slitting your wrists hurts more than I can describe.
And if you don't remember down the street not across the road, well you're just going to be in a lot of pain.
And your blood flow may not be fast enough for it to even kill you in a hour.
Overdosing feels like the best and worst high of your life.
Depends on how close you are to dying as to when the best starts.
Or if it even does start at all.
Fire, just ouch.
I can't think of a painless way. Sorry.|||hmm i dont think this is for a essay i dont think anyone should anwser somehow i would feel bad if u killed urself over advice i gave|||listen to suzanne c. You are not to destroy a gift that God has given you called life. Life is a test and if you destroy it, you automatically fail right? Failure is hell, Passing is heaven. You must be born again. This is called baptism. For right now, i suggest you talk to a guidance counsellor so they will help you to clear your head. and for this essay, i say just basically jumping off of something so u become unconcious and dead, and a major major alcohol overdose, intoxicating poisons etc....
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