Wednesday, February 29, 2012

What is a good research paper on ancient art?

I have to do a research paper on the history of Art (ancient, Pre-historic,) This paper can be up until the 1300's A.D. A lot of people are doing theirs on the pyramids of Giza and so forth, but I would like to hear some ideas on a research paper. It doesn't have to be on an artist .. It can actually be on a certain piece of art or a subject in general. Thanks!What is a good research paper on ancient art?
Etruscan Phallic Art.What is a good research paper on ancient art?
If you want to go really far back you could always to the Venus Figures, which are sculptures made by early neolithic peoples to express fertility and such. Or you could do (if can also be about architecture) a paper about the domed roofs of the Byzantine Empire. Or even the invention of Porcelain in China.What is a good research paper on ancient art?
If you want to go really ancient you could write on the various Venus figurines that date from 35,000 to 11,000 years ago. Or about prehistoric cave art found in Europe, Africa, Australia, and the Americas. Plus, there are many good sources that deal with both Greek and Roman art. Or perhaps other great architectural achievements such as the Coliseum or the Hagia Sophia.

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