Saturday, March 10, 2012

What is a secondary source for a research paper?

I need to write a research paper that says I can use either primary sources or secondary sources. I would like to use secondary sources as it says I use books and websites for the secondary. What is an example of a secondary source? Is it something like wikipedia or just some like site? Thanks!What is a secondary source for a research paper?
a secondary source is written by someone who wasn't there/actually witnessed the event taken place.

for example: history textbooks are secondary sources because the historian wasn't actually there when lets say: when colombus sailed the ocean blue.

however, in the history book, it may contain excerpts (or parts) of a primary source. example: descriptions of a woman in the 1800s telling us about her daily chores.

an example of a primary source would be The Diary of Anne Frank.

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